Comments, criticisms, or (one can hope) compliments are more than welcome! Please let me know what you think, tell me I'm crazy (I suspect this) or what you'd like to hear about. Comments are screened before publication, so if you want to share something with me only, just put that in the comment and I'll keep it to myself.


Monday, March 21, 2011

La Bella Luna

Thomas Cranmer - Archbishop of Canterbury and Martyr (1556)

So New York was abuzz about the perigee-syzygy  (extreme supermoon) that took place this weekend.  The Archwarden and I were busy running around visiting family and friends and did not pay more than a few moments' attention, however we did mark the occasion by screening Moonstruck.  The 1987 film is one of the family institutions to which he has been indoctrinated, and -- veteran of the silver screen that he now is -- he pointed out some subtle foreshadowing that escaped my notice during my approximately 4,962 previous screenings.  Next time you watch it, pay attention to the scene in the airport where Ronnie asks Loretta to invite his brother to their wedding.  A hint: five years.

I am not good at night photography and thus did not attempt this at home, but many New Yorkers took many photos of the moon. You can see some of them in a slide show here.  Otherwise let's hear your favorite Moonstruck quotes in the comments.

Super-Moon-on-Manhattan by Lydia2222 on flickr.com.  (C) All rights reserved.

"Super" moon on Brooklyn Bridge
"Super" Moon on Brooklyn Bridge by John de Guzman (C) All rights reserved.

manhattan moonrise
Manhattan Moonrise by dshep727 on flickr.com.  (C) All rights reserved.


  1. "Yes, Mrs. Casterini, I would love some oatmeal."

    "I ain't no freakin' monument to justice!"

    "This is modern times. There ain't supposed to be no miracles."
    "I guess it ain't modern times in Sicily."

  2. "A wolf without a foot!"
    "A bride without a head!"

    "Old man, you give those dogs another piece of my food, I'm gonna kick ya 'til you're dead!"
